LEGOCIE (LEt’s GO Cooking In Europe!)

LEGOCIE (LEt’s GO Cooking In Europe!) is a Grundtvig Partnership project which will encourage and facilitate adults to share knowledge and good practice about the ways that cooking skills and healthy eating are encouraged and supported in a number of European countries.

In the first year of the project, for each country involved, partners:

  • Investigated the cooking skills and eating habits in their country;
  • Looked at the impact that cooking skills can have on healthy eating and the fight against obesity;
  • Investigated the strategies that are in place at local and national level to promote and support improved cooking skills and a healthy diet.

In the second year of the project, we focused on developing cooking skills in each participating country.
On the basis of what we found in the first year, each partner:

  • Devised an event to promote and encourage cooking skills and healthy eating with community groups, volunteers, parents or elders in their local area or region. The success of this will be evaluated by each individual partner, and the learning will be shared with the other partners at the final project meeting.
  • Developed some resources to promote and support cooking healthy food so that the work of the project group can be disseminated locally, regionally and nationally. This will include the collation of healthy recipes and cooking skills information from each of the partner countries.

You can find out more about this project here –